Creative Direction / Direction for:
Based essentially on the strength of the song—its power, rhythm, and inherent meaning.
MAREMOTO is violent agitation, movement, seismic force, impact, raw nature unleashed in its purest form. This will be reflected in both the editing and the scenes.
La Blackie and Villana ignite a maremoto. When they start singing, the ground cracks, and they revolutionize everything in their path.
Direction: @Pedrotrivinofabro @Guillermoaliaga @pablo_blame
PRODUCTION TEAM: @hello_blua
Executive Producer: @jblancoquintela
Executive Producer: @eugeniaesquerdo
Executive Producer: @LipaLizaso
Producer: @edertalcualsuena
Production Manager: @sebasmontagnani
Production Coordinator: @Cristina Gómez
1st PA: Lua Zhen Hernandez Figueras
PA / Runner: Fernando Coronado
PA / Runner: Alejandro Antón
Photographer: Andrés Rubio @drezrubio
DoP: @yousef__daoud
Focus puller: Facundo Capelleti
Camera: @julidorin
Steadycam: @andresteadi
Gaffer: @hugogaffer
Spark: Diego Tello Martín
Spark: Antonio Marín Mateo
Spark trainee: Laura Sofía Castillo
Art Director: @pauulisvegas
Art Assistant: @maalessaa
Stylist LaBlackie: @anamurillas
Stylist Villano Antillano: @delfiminetto
Stylist Assist Villano Antillano: Elena Armas
Makeup LaBlackie: Selma Badaoui @sellysdolls
Hair LaBlackie & Makeup Villano Antillano: @davizpelaez
Hair Villano: @mangowigs
Nail artist LaBlackie: Jonathan Coronado
Villano Antillano assistant: Paola Isabel
Post production coordinator: @davotaboas
Post production coordinator assistant: @carinaromac
VFX supervisor: @vlcarcel
Comp Artist: @eloicalopa_vfx @vlcarcel
3D artist: @vlcarcel
Roto artist: @visualknights
Editor: @justjunji
Color correction: @bielgeli
Creative: @nesanfe
A&R: @aza_________________________
Camera: @lenso.filmservices
Light: @kinoluxspain
Catering: @Paniagua
Transport equipment: S&C Transportes Mudanzas y Servicios
Motorhome: @Euromedieta
Transport team: @Blanauto
Transport team: Victor Humanes
Location: @The Wild Tour