Creative Direction / Direction & Production for:
"CPS" is a genre, House music in spanish, that no other Latin music artist is currently exploring.
We wanted to represent a cinematographic idea touching controversial elements such as confron- ting police power by a disadvantaged person. Touching the subject of police abuse against some minorities revealed in recent years, and visual exploration of gender-fluid term . Both subjects touched with humour and irony to reflect the personality and statement of the artist because there aren’t enough gender-fluid artists out there presenting out-of-the-box music proposals ideas like this.
Production: @kinkifactory
EP: Pedro Triviño
Directors: @pedrotrivinofabro @guillermoaliaga
Direction Ass: @al.veiga
DoP: @oriolcolomar
Foquist: @enyarodriguez
Gaffer: @pauum94
Electric: @joel.burges
Fashion director: @uriolo
Stylism Ass: @freshprince @glori_____
Art Director: @maryleranch
Art Ass: @raqueltmo @cris.morera
Hair: @joancallau
Still photos: @ricardomuca
MUA: @hijxdelfuego
Driver: @maxfrnndz
@laguiridetussuenos @lil.deve11 @marianben @xeniaorti @marxi.0711 @co.roni19 @mathew_yanez @looks.fragile.after.all @aranpetit @maxmoodhair
@pa-colo__ @alanneil @tulidotcom @hijxdelfuego @joancallau