Creative Direction / Direction & Production for:


Last Lottery Campaign and Hoodie design for STF 2020.

Every year Christmas Lottery is celebrated on December 22 where Ildefonso's children are in charge of singing the winning prizes. Is one of the most famous events in Spain where the whole country is waiting for its luck. That is why we wanted to take advantage of this event for the garment campaign and show how the hoodie works.

For the hoodie design we were inspired by lottery scratch cards, so we transferred it to a garment where it has the same functionality and includes also a prize.

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Direction Production: @pedrotriviñofabro

DOP & Edit: @oriolcolomar

Camera Aux & Color: @enyarodriguez

Gaffer: @pauum94

VFX: @bambi61729604

Starring: @juakipesudo @avet2020

Direction Assistants: @al.veiga @imthebollocks

Special Thanks to: @emmabean

Driver: @maxfrnndz