Direction for:


We wanted to represent the story of each person who are behind every object . Showing the ambassador’s universe through her personality, background, his work and what makes him special

Each ambassador is surrounded by the universe that represents him emphasizing his object and color. This space represents the atmosphere of each one through an artistic representation that magnifies the universe of each ambassador.

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Written by: @ebayspain

Executive Production: @guillepichin @vinniesilvestre

Direction: @pedrotrivinofabro

Producer: @jminguela

Boss Production: @rebeer_

Coordinator Production: @danihernandez.m

Aux Production: Javier Vázquez, Javi de Francisco, Pedro Peláez, Laura Sánchez

Direction: @kinkifactory

AD: Danni Pérez

DoP: @by___persona

Camera Ass: @_pablopascual

Aux Camera: @segui_adrian

Steady-Cam: @javier_veiga_garcia

Steady Ass: @irenemanmor


@thespanishking_, @palomospain, @soyvioletag, @davidantonguijarro, @baiucamusic

Additional Credits:

Ass Photo: @jonfernandezphoto

Drivers: César and Juanan Juzgado