Creative Direction / Direction & Production for:


Identity and conceptualization of a new sub-brand of Karont, a brand based on a neo-cyber-medieval universe, based on darkness and fantasy

Starting from the first release, we created a pop-up experience in the form of a video game. The objective of the game is to collect each piece of clothing on each of the platforms...

To enjoy the total experience here.

Shadows is a modern and timeless clothing line that is inspired by urban fashion and street culture, as well as the world of role-playing games and online RPG games.

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Written by: @karont_

Designed & Produced: @karont_ & @kinkifactory

Creative Development: @pedrotrivinofabro, @guillermoaliaga, @elmovildepedrito & @al.veiga

Programmer: @elmovildepedrito

Concept Art: @karont_, @kinkifactory & @elmovildepedrito

Editorial 3D Characters: @wettybop

Sound Design & Music: @novalue4u